Monday, June 25, 2007

Gambar yg aku petik semasa aku melawat coursemate aku di Kuala Selangor pada 2005/2006.. cantik x kawasan rumahnya?? ada sawahh menghijau, rumah kampung... ;)

gambar berbaju biru ni pulakk diambil smasa aku kena induction course utk program Taaruf Week for IIUM New Students. aku jd committee daa...masa ni kalau tak silap dlm thn 2004/2005 gitu aaa...
ok...aku try publishh gambar aje nii...aku nk explore lain plakk..

Petua Tradisi….

*dipetik daripada Majalah MIDI (Aspirasi Wanita 40++) keluaran 15 April 2007. sebahagian koleksi majalah yang aku ada…ehehhehehehe… ntah apa2 majalah la aku beli nii…

1. Menurunkan Darah Tinggi..

Minum air rebusan pokok Hempedu Bumi Pokok Cerita.

Minum air rebusan daun pokok Ati-ati.

Makan biji buah peria. (alamak, peria nya pun tekak aku x boleh nak ‘lalu’, inikan plk bijinya..)

Makan pucuk pokok Pala sebagai ulam.

Minum air rebusan pokok Dukung Anak. (ha, hokkk ni aku selalu dengar masa kecik2 dulu..)

Minum air rebusan taugeh seminggu sekali. Air dan taugeh hendaklah sama nisbahnya.

Rebus daun pandan wangi secukupnya dengan dua gelas air. Biarkan sehingga tinggal setengah gelas sahaja. Minum setiap pagi dan petang.

Makanlah 3 ulas bawang putih mentah. (mak oiii…biar benaa..!) Jika tak tahan baunya, bolehlah direbus..

Parutkan kunyit sebesar ibu jari. Perah airnya dan tambah dua sudu madu. Minum setiap pagi dan petang.

2. Tajamkan Penglihatan.. (bagus utk aku nii..)

Amalkan meminum air suam setiap hari.

Mandi pada waktu subuh sewaktu bangun tidur. Siramkan air dari hujung kaki hingga kepala.

Makan buah-buahan seperti epal, anggur dan lobak putih

Banyakkan melihat pemandangan yang jauh dan serba hijau seperti pokok, dan selalu menghadap kiblat.

"Prevent better than cure"...

Ladies,Pls be aware when aboard to a taxi, especially when you are ALONE.

No matter the taxi driver is chinese, malay or indian, PLEASE BE AWARE!
If you notice that there is a sound of spray of perfume or air purifier inside the taxi, PLEASE GET DOWN from the TAXI IMMEDIATELY!!

It just happened to me just now. It was about 12.45am . I got into a taxi driven by a malay man. I was in the taxi for a few minutes, I suddenly heard of a sound of spray and there was a smell like air purifier. I felt wierd as to why the driver put two types of air purifiers in his taxi. The smell immediately reminded me about this forwarded email that I read.

I started to be aware of my surroundings. But the puff of the purifier kept appears every few minutes. I was very worried and scared.

Gradually, I sensed that my body started to feel weaker and weaker. The purifier kept puffing from the back seat, just right behind me. As I really felt my whole body is weaken, I asked the driver to let me get down at the side road.

But he kept trying to talk to me and ask me why not dropping me off at my destination. I think he was trying to drag the time. To my horror, I felt both of my hands and legs got numbed and no energy, almost could not move.

When I talked to the driver, I could not even speak properly, not to say to shout for help, 'cos I was really too weak. Immediately, I opened the door and ran to passer-by for help.

I really thank God for saving me. If not, I really can't imagine what would have happened to me. I am traumised by this incident.

This is TRUE case. Please do keep in mind! IT IS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY! I feel the need to share with you guys, no matter you are men or women 'cos it is NOT a LIE , not a made-up story. It really happened.

Do let your friends, family members and relatives know about this case.

I believe you are just like me, don't wish anybody to be the victim of this case. "Pls be aware when aboard to a taxi, especially the ladies."

I received a email some months ago about a lady getting into a cab and felt uneasy and become faint when she smelt something like incense being burnt.

She was smart enough to order the taxi to stop immediately and after throwing some money at the taxi man quickly get out of the taxi. She later got to know that if she had not stopped the taxi and gotten out, she would have ?fainted ?and raped by the taxi man (or a gang of rapists)!

After reading this, I thought maybe this was one of those emails that you would read and just forget about it, but I was wrong!

Few weeks ago, a visitor to our Chinese church who stayed in Puchong got into a taxi driven by an Indian man When she sat into the taxi, there was a little burner and she could smell incense burning in the taxi.

After awhile, she felt weak and unable to speak or shout. The Indian taxi man drove to a lonely road where there was hardly anyone and raped her.
Before she was completely knocked out, she was told by the taxi guy that she was his number six victim. She was not only raped but also robbed!
When she was conscious again, she quickly went to see! a doctor. The sad thing is, the doctor knew she was raped but did not advise her what to do.

The doctor just let her make the decision to make or not to make a police report. Since she does not know the rapist name and also the taxi number and in great fear after this trauma, she told the doctor that she would not dare to report to the polis.
The doctor said since she dare not make the report, he would just have to destroy the medical report!

Because the rapist took her whole bag with her IC in it, he got her address and even has the guts to come straight to her house and try to be funny with her.
Please remember not to get in! to a taxi that smells funny and if possible don't get into a taxi alone, and if you have to do so, give a call or sms back to your friends or relatives and let them know the taxi registration number and if possible, the name of the taxi man.

*Quoted from: Raitul Hanidi Ahmadiah @ Arai (Mr) Snr. Structural Designer (BOCAD)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


aduhhhh..thumbdrive akuu ilanggg..mulanya aku x rasa sangatt kehilangannnnya..tapii, dlam saat2 sekangg ni..uhhh, tidakkk...


arini...keputusan student postgrad UKM keluarr...alhamdulillahh... bila aku tgk aku pny CGPA sebegituu..masyaAllahhhh....maha besar Tuhannn, alangkahh bahagianya...tidak pernah aku dapat setinggi dan secemerlangg iniii....namun begitu, aku masih belum dapat mencapaii Dean List...xpe2...i must try my best 4 the next sem..

em, aku pelikkk aa..dah dua malam aku x dpt tido..penyakit apa pulakk dah hinggap niii..susah betull nk lelap. padahal siang x tido, buat keje...saje penatkan badannn, letihkan badann...tapiii...ngapa x mau tido??? apa sebenarnyya yg bermaiinn dalam minda aku nii sampai xboleh tido? perghhhhhhhhh..

ha, kawan aku, Arfah dapat berita baikk...alhamdulillah dapat sambung belajar lagi.. dapat 2 offer. kat London dan Edinburgh. 24 Sept 2007 daftar. so, 1st choice dia amik London.. ni yg buat aku teruja ni...tapi dia bakal kesana cuma setahun.. aku yg belajar kat sini pun tak grad belajar lagi dia pulakkk dah grad dulu.. begitulah perancangan manusia... ;)

uiks, aku nk post gambar dlm bentuk album/ folder kat page aku ni... masalahnya yg aku jumpa kat sini post satu2 gambar..alaa, camne ek nk buat mcm folder tu.boleh upload gambar byk skek...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Benci pada kadarnya, Suka juga pada kadarnya..

Satu perkara aku pelajari….dari sabila..aku baru aje menyedari walaupun selama aku selalu didedahkan hal ni…tapi hal ini amat mendalam setelah sabila mengatakannya…

Ekoran ‘kesengsaraan’ hatinya maka sabila pun bercakap pot pet pot pett..amat keliruuu sebenarnyaaa utk diungkappkan..hanya hati sendiri saja yg merasaii x sama dgn ungkapan kata…

Sungguhpun dia bercakap pot pett pot pett..dia tetap berhati2 dalam berkata2…sebab?? Sebabnya dia amat takutt perkara yang disebut atau perkara2 yg dia sebut ‘tak suka’ akan ‘membalik’ pada dirinya..

bukan aku x tau hal ini.. malah selalu terjadi dalam diri aku.. tapi aku baru aje menyedari.. dan yg paling aku takuti sekang ni… semasa schoolmate aku kawin aku selalu aku katakana x suka sangat pegi kenduri tu pada mak aku, cume seronok bila dapat jumpa semula kawan2 sekolah… ati aku benar2 ‘menolak’ semasa aku menghadiri kenduri tersebut, aku tatau kenapa boleh jadi gituuu.. mujur dapat diceriakan semula hati ni dgn kehadiran kawan2 lama.. (lama x jumpa wehh, dari thn 2000…dekat 10 thn juga ek..ehehehhe)

dan sekang nii…aku mula takut apa yg aku sebut2 “tak suka” tu ‘membalik’ pada aku semula…alamakkkk, mati la akuu…
mulanya yg jadi ati aku menolak nk pegi tu mmg aku tatau kenapa, tapi yg keduanya bila aku jumpa pengantinnya…hulamakkkkkk aiiii, lawaaaa siottttt..(opss, bahasa x comeiii skek..ehehehehhee).. siap pelamin biru kat tgh rumah. Pastu, tup2 pengantinnya keluar bilik terus menuju ke arah pelaminnn… em, dah betulnya waktu tu time pengantin ‘bersalin2 pakaian’… bergambar dgn persalinan pakaian yg pelbagai. Arghhhh…malass aaa aku nk ckp aa apa yg aku tak suka kat majlis tuu…

jiran sebelah rumah aku penah buat kenduri kawin tak berapa tahun dulu.. kakak tu schoolmate aku juga. Aku kagum wehh..dia juga ada buat pelamin mcm org lain buat. Dia ada juga bersanding mcm orang lain… dia juga ada bergambar dgn persalinan pakaian yg pelbagai..jepun la, cina la, India laa…mcm2 la bajunya..

tapi aku nk ‘highlight’kan di sini..bergambar semasa tukar2 persalinan pakaian tu.. kakak tu bergambar tepat jam 12 tgh malam yang mana keesokannya adalah hari kendurinya. Masa tu jiran2 dah mula berkurangan, yg ada pun masih ligat kat dapur dan khemah2.. ditutupnya pintu besar, tingkap2 (kebetulan tingkap tak byk mana..) yg agak2 org lelaki lalu lalang tu laa… lepas tu apalagi, dijemput sume yg perempuan2 aje masuk rumah.eehhehee..mulanya aku kat dapur pun pelik juga dikerah masuk rumah..apa ke halnya kann.. rupanya tgk pengantin bergambar…ahakss….lucu aku…

dari kecik2 aku kurang gemar tgk pengantin bersalin2 pakaian..sikit2 je tgk ada lahh.. aku segan!.. lebih baik aku cabut, dok dapur lg best..dok dgn makcik2, nenek2..nyembang2 dgn diaorg lg syok…xde la kena cop “gatai”..ehehehehehehehehhheee…

aku sebenarnya dah byk kali pengalaman suka, bencii ni..bila aku sukakan/bencikan sesuatu..tup2 satu hari jadi sebaliknya....haaaa, masa tuuuu...mula la aku garu kepala tak gataiii..ahakss...nk ckp apa kalau perkara yg kita benci suatu ketika dulu, sekang pulakkk jadi ter'gila2'kannya..huhu....